More videos of the February 2009 Coldwater/ Bureau of Mines open house

Here are two more videos of the Coldwater/Bureau of Mines open house on February 23, 2009

A very short video of Ernie Peters, the brother of Sheldon Peters Wolfchild, speaking of giving the National Park Service a second chance to make the right decision about the Coldwater Spring site.

We will give you another chance. We know your hearts are good, and your minds. You’re doing what you’ve been programmed to by your education. We are programmed by the creator.

Unfortunately, we haven’t found a longer video with all of the things he said.

In this video Waziyatawin is speaking further about the return of the Coldwater property to the Dakota. She finishes with the statement directed at the employees of the Park Service and others who were present:

How important is this site to you? Are you willing to have Dakota blood spilled? Are you willing to initiate a new era of violence against Dakota people? Because of Dakota people . . . We’re not going to give up this land. It’s time for reclamation. Thank you all for listening. Pidamaye.

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