Bdote EIS: the ongoing story

A truthful, open, and ongoing environmental review process, carried out by the public for the public, is needed to examine, document, and review all actions planned or undertaken by public agencies and private entities within the area of Bdote/ Mdote Mni Sota, around the mouth of the Minnesota River. Without such a process in place, this sacred and historic space may continue to be destroyed, bit by bit, historic property by historic property. . . .

This is a list of articles on the Bdote/Mdote area and Coldwater Spring that have appeared on, going back to 2006.

A closed mind on Coldwater Spring September 15th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Is the National Park Service racist? September 13th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

The Fort Snelling Debate, Part 2 June 13th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

The Fort Snelling Debate June 2nd, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Coldwater Spring meets the criteria as traditional cultural place: State agency affirms TCP eligibility June 8th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Coldwater gatekeepers: A ten-year record of bias and predetermined decision-making about a Dakota place June 1st, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

The real plans for saving Fort Snelling from attack May 28th, 2010<– by Daniel Shagobince –>

Stains on “White Paper”–On the nature of bureaucratic information-gathering May 25th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Who decided Coldwater Spring is not a Dakota traditional cultural site? New information from a FOIA request May 24th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Fort Snelling is “falling apart” April 23d, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

The incredibly imperceptibly unpersuasively pervasive influence of the Mystical Lake! April 23d, 2010<– by Daniel Shagobince –>

Crow Creek and Coldwater Spring March 22d, 2010<– by Contributors –>

“I didn’t do it!”–Explanations for MNRRA’s incompetent Coldwater history
February 25th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Respecting what we hold sacred February 22nd, 2010<– by Sojourner –>

Getting at the truth in history February 7, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Fire Talks! February 6th, 2010<– by George Spears –>

Women of Coldwater–Native people at the spring January 25th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Hypocrisy 101: Dakota history now a selling point for Coldwater Spring January 22nd, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

An invitation from the Park Service: “Sue us!” January 22nd, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Park Service decides to keep Coldwater Spring–A quick decision January 20th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

A Dakota invitation to Coldwater Spring in 1820 January 19th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

The restoration of Native lands January 18th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Consultation without representation January 14th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Games that bureaucrats play with Native places—Is Coldwater Spring a TCP or is it a HPRCSIT? January 14th, 2010 <– by Bruce White –>

What can we do about Coldwater Spring? January 9th, 2010 <– by Bruce White –>

How the Park Service Subverted the Coldwater EIS January 8th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

Phantom Memos: Federal Decisions about Coldwater Spring January 6th, 2010<– by Bruce White –>

No Indian history at Coldwater Spring, says Park Service December 14th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Update on Coldwater funding June 25th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Funding eliminated for Coldwater building removal? June 23rd, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

No more meetings about the Coldwater/Bureau of Mines site April 9th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

We come with the spring: About those Coldwater people March 31st, 2009<– by Bruce White –> About the supporters of Coldwater Spring and their work over the last ten years

Law enforcement occupation of Coldwater/Bureau of Mines site on March 26, 2009 March 28th, 2009<– by Folwell –>

Updated: A conversation between the Park Service and Waziyatawin–Another Coldwater email thread March 26th, 2009<– by Folwell –>

What’s in a name? Spirits, water, stones, earth March 25th, 2009<– by Bruce White –> What’s in a name for a place of importance to Dakota people such as Coldwater Spring?

Dakota voices at the Coldwater/ Bureau of Mines open house March 22nd, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

The official laundered version of what happened at the Coldwater Spring/ Bureau of Mines open house March 21st, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

A new house built of stone: New information on a Coldwater landmark March 18th, 2009<– by Bruce White –> The house of the trader Benjamin Baker once stood on the hill above Coldwater Spring. New information has been found about when it was built.

Short-term federal ownership of Coldwater Spring is a good short-term outcome March 18th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Public Comments are now online relating to the 2006 Coldwater/ Bureau of Mines draft EIS March 17th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Reclaiming Minnesota–Mini Sota Makoce, the Dakota homeland March 17th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

More videos of the Coldwater/Bureau of Mines open house March 16th, 2009<– by Folwell –>

Learning from the Mendota Dakota March 15th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Coldwater comment threads March 15th, 2009<– by Folwell –>

Videos from the Coldwater/Bureau of Mines open house, February 23, 2009 March 14th, 2009<– by Folwell –>

The National Park Service can find no Dakota name for the place the Dakota call Mni Sni (Coldwater Spring) March 11th, 2009<– by Bruce White –> The National Park Service has insisted that it can find no Dakota name for Coldwater Spring and that this is of great significance in the determination of whether Coldwater is a place of traditional cultural significance to the Dakota.

What the Park Service doesn’t know about Coldwater Spring might hurt us, and the spring March 4th, 2009<– by Bruce White –> A great deal of information was not in the draft EIS for the Coldwater/ Bureau of Mines property, released in 2006.

Bdote/Mdote Minisota: A Public EIS continues February 26th, 2009<– by Bruce White –>

Camp Coldwater open house February 26th, 2009<– by tom taylor –>

Articles from 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 1: A Journey Through the Center of the Earth February 21, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Parts 2 and 3: The Clouse Report May 3 and May 7, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 4: A Sense of This Place: Landscape Art by Seth Eastman and James Boyd-Brent May 18, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 5: Read the (Secret) Clouse Report, Finally July 4, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 6: Park Service to Dakota People: “Drop Dead.” September 13, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 7: A Vision for Coldwater October 6, 2006

Mdote Minisota, A Public EIS, Part 8: Is it sacred now? October 16, 2006

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